An Abian is first and foremost their Hunger. And an individual after that.

Roxanne is not "a sweetheart who also happens to feed on happiness."

Roxanne feeds on Happiness. Therefore, Roxanne has become a sweetheart.

Because what better way to gain happiness than to be an individual whom people become happy around?

An Abian's hunger will shape who that Abian is; what they do, how they act, how they are around other people, and even sometimes will shape how they look. All of this depends on one thing, what is the most efficient way for that Abian to get food? If something isn't working out for them, expect that they're going to change something about themselves to make it work. If something happened, and for some reason Roxanne was no longer making people happy, then the Roxanne that we currently know and love would likely vanish entirely as she became someone else in order to make people around her happy again.

Abian's don't have a sort of sense of identity - they don't feel like they'd be "changing" or "losing" a part of themselves if they had to go through such a dramatic transformation of personality. They wouldn't even think about it, honestly, because Hunger is such a driving force to them that it wouldn't matter. Just do whatever action manages to get you food. It's all about satisfying the Hunger first and developing personality later. If any Abian is truly set and doesn't have to worry about obtaining food then they can start to develop themselves as an individual, something more interesting, a more rounded personality.

Any Abian who has actually bothered to decide a favorite color for themselves is an Abian who doesn't have to worry about where or when or how they're getting their next meal. *Roxanne thinks her favorite color might be purple, but she's not certain. She finds she also really likes blue and green, and right now she doesn't want to just settle for having one favorite.*

Abian types in general can be divided up into three different categories depending on what they eat. There are the "Substance" feeders, the "Emotion" feeders, and the *for lack of better term* "State of Being" feeders.

"Substance" feeders are pretty self-explanatory, they feed on substantial things: Blood, Flesh *Muscle*, Skin, Bone, Internal Organs *all of them in one lump sum*, and Fat. Yes, there is an actual differentiation between Fat and then the general Flesh of a creature. Anyway, those are all of the different sort of "Substantials" you will find an Abian feeding on. They don't get quite a specific as "only the third vertebra of an individual" or "flesh only from virgins or babies" or "only Type O+" or anything like that.

The second category are the "Emotion" feeders. Much like the "Substance" feeders, the "Emotion" feeders tend to eat a very general type of emotion. An Abian that feeds on happiness won't care of it's "general content of situation" or "the happiest day of my life", just as long as it's somewhere in the range of happy. The list of emotions that an Abian might feed on is *and may not be limited to*: Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Confusion. All very general. Things like "distress" might fit into the Fear category, while "longing" may be under Sadness. Something like "envy" could probably categorize under Anger, depending on how strong it is. It's all very general and subjective.

The third and final category is a bit more tricky, mostly because it's hard to try and easily describe. These "State of Being" feeders don't require some emotion or some substance, but they require their prey to be experiencing something. Like if someone was physically feeling comfortable. Their body was just plain relaxed. Or if someone was physically tired. It's the idea that the body, when in different "emotional states" of its own, gives off a sort of energy. Someone could be as angry as all git, but if they're angry while sitting in a comfy chair, then their body may be giving off soothed and comforting energy because, well, even though they're emotionally in rage, physically they're still somewhat relaxed. This third category feeds off of the energy that the body seems to give off when it's in different states.

As far as the actual Abian Hierarchy is concerned, there's only two categories. The Higher Predators and the Lesser Predators. Every Abian is considered a Predator, because every Abian feeds off of Humans for their energy in one way or another. Sure, they could technically feed off of another Abian, but to do so just isn't as refreshing and satisfying, and it's not something that even occurs to them naturally *to think "Hey, I could just feed off of this Abian guy here..." is generally a deviant thought, it's just not natural for them to think that way and usually it takes a desperate situation before they find themselves thinking such things. And even then it's so unnatural for them that most don't like to entertain the thought for very long* and plus it just doesn't even work out too well for some of them. So every Abian is considered a Predator, regardless of what they actually eat, because they all require Humans to feed on.

Higher Predators are Substance feeders and the Lower Predators are everyone else. For reasons that should be obvious, Higher Predators are much more dangerous than other Abians, as well as much more competitive and territorial, though mostly only against other Higher Predators. They often do not mind sharing territory *or prey* with Lower Predators, but they won't think twice about asserting their dominance over the Lowers at any time. They're Higher Predators for a reason and everyone else had better remember and respect that.

Abians have no natural way to sense what another Abian feeds on. They can usually get a general idea of what another Abian might feed on depending on how that Abian carries itself or how it acts or looks. Since every Abian grows and changes and adapts itself depending on what it feeds off of, it should be no surprise that Abians that eat the same thing tend to have general traits that they all share. Happiness feeders are, almost always, good-natured. Fear feeders are, almost always, freakish-looking. Substance feeders are almost always going to have an air of "I'm better than you." about them when meeting other Abians. One of the trickiest things about Xavior is that he has developed a personality and identity not around whatever his Hunger is, so no one can just look at him and go "Well, you have the traits of a ----- feeder."